۵۰,۰۰۰ تومان قیمت اصلی: ۵۰,۰۰۰ تومان بود.۲۵,۰۰۰ تومانقیمت فعلی: ۲۵,۰۰۰ تومان.
PLASTICITY OF METALS AND ALLOYS: The results of observations and investigations of a new phenomenon— changes in the macroscopic characteristics of the plastic deformation of metals and alloys at a superconducting transition—are systematized. In these works it is shown for the first time that the electronic drag of dislocations accompanying low-temperature deformation is effective.
The main experimental features of the phenomenon—the dependences of the characteristics of the change in plasticity at a superconducting transition on the stress, deformation, temperature, deformation rate, and concentration of the alloying element in the superconductor—and results indicating a correlation between the characteristics of the effect and the superconducting properties are presented. Experiments clarifying the mechanisms of the phenomenon are analyzed.
A brief exposition of the theoretical investigations of the electronic drag of dislocations in metals in the normal and superconducting states and the influence of a superconducting transition on the plasticity is given. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental results. Examples of the application of the effect as a new method for investigating the physical mechanisms of low-temperature plastic deformation are presented. The applied aspects of the phenomenon are discussed separately.
This work features the results of observations and investigations of a new phenomenon – changes in the macroscopic characteristics of the plastic deformation of metals and alloys at a superconducting transition.
فیمت در آمازون: 10.99$